Saturday, November 21, 2009

Recipe: Easy Spanish Tortilla

Here is the recipe for a terrific, versatile dish for Holidays or anytime. Breakfast, brunch, light supper, tapas, vegetarian entree. It works for all, and won an award for low-carbon recipe using local ingredients!

Easy Spanish Tortilla
serves 6-8

4 small to medium potatoes, halved and thinly sliced
1 medium yellow onion, thinly sliced
salt + pepper to taste
1T smoked paprika
1/4C sunflower oil
8 eggs

preheat oven to 375˚
heat oil in large, deep skillet or wok
add potatoes, season with salt
cook potatoes, stirring frequently until they are not quite tender
add onions + smoked paprika, cooking until onions are just translucent and potatoes are
tender yet still firm
remove from heat and allow to slightly cool
whisk eggs until frothy, season with salt + pepper
place potato mixture in oven-proof dish, such as a tart or pie pan
pour eggs over the top, gently distributing the potato mixture evenly in the pan
place in oven and bake until puffed and golden, and eggs are set in middle (about 25
may serve warm or room temp as an entree or tapas

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